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Care for the Equine Caregivers …

This weekend one of the herd members of our team at Healing Reins, Equine Therapy and Family Services will be stepping into semi-retirement after eight years of healing services to men, women and children. Jake our tall, dark, handsome gelding with a winsome and somewhat brazen personality will be moving from the HR head quarters to a nearby serene 10 acre pasture to enjoy a well deserved life of leisure.

In the Equine Therapy world we rely on the intuitive nature of the horse to pick up on the feelings, needs and relational patterns of an individual in the arena. In our work we often draw from the use of metaphors in order to make sense of the patterns that the people and horses are exhibiting. For instance we may ask a client to name a horse in the moment – something to the effect of –
“What or who does this horse represent for you in your life outside of the arena? Where do you find yourself encountering the kind of resistance, frustration, fear or uncertainty you are experiencing right now? How would you like to be able to respond to this force in your life and what kind of changes might you want to consider in order to arrive at your desired destination?”

Because of the metaphoric nature of our work, Jake with his uncanny ability to test people’s intentions and boundaries has often been the target of projection for a client’s challenging relationships. He quickly ‘becomes’ the father that won’t listen or the boyfriend that continues to disrespect and violate personal boundaries.

Jake has helped endless clients come to the realization that they have the permission to use their voice and find the courage and strength to ask for what they want and need in relationships with out feeling bad about it. It truly is a miraculous process to witness the face of fear and uncertainty be transformed into one of increased self assurance and personal pride as they find they way on “the back of the horse.”

Jake has done his job well – he has been gracious, forgiving, unbiased, honest, uncompromising when necessary and open to sharing in the emotions of trauma and grief – shouldering the pain with people and helping them to find hope again.

We at Healing Reins honor his service in helping humans heal and release him to a path of peaceful grazing and continued love.